0.5.5-pre1 Release

From Summoning Wars
Revision as of 21:54, 14 October 2011 by Protogenes (Talk | contribs)
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06. October 2011

We have finally completed the prerelease for version 0.5.5. Be aware of bugs - finding them is exactly the aim.
Please test these under as many circumstances as possible and report any issues.

As several bugfixes and small improvements have already been made this weekend, I also want to refer to svn:

svn co http://sumwars.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sumwars/trunk sumwars

The latest version with fresh, unfixed bugs can be found only there, of course.

Thanks a lot and have fun! Lastmerlin


Source code: Summoning Wars 0.5.5-pre1 Source (98 MB) (sumwars-0.5.5-prerelease.tar.gz)


Build: Summoning Wars 0.5.5-pre1 Windows Package (101 MB) (sumwars-0.5.5-pre1.zip)

Installer: Summoning Wars 0.5.5-pre1 Windows Installer (123 MB) (sumwars-0.5.5-pre1.exe)

Mac OS

Build: Summoning Wars 0.5.5-pre1 Mac Package (109 MB) (sumwars-0.5.5-pre1-osx.dmg)

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